Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Being a Part of the Group

School communities are a complex web of personalities, teaching styles, different cultures, old school, new school, friends, frenemies, PHEW I could go on, and on...

So how are we supposed to come together to become a tight-knit happy-go-lucky group?

Great. Flipping. Question.

People amaze me. And I don't mean that in a negative/sarcastic tone. I mean that in a genuine and optimistic way - people amaze me every day.

I am in the people business, little people and big people alike. I love people! I seriously, at my core, love people. I can sit back and appreciate the 20 different little people personalities in my classroom every day. Now - I don't sneeze rainbows - I know they can be tough. Frustrating to the point of tears tough. But I do love them, even when they're challenging. (Especially when they're challenging).

I extend that same love to the big people I work with - the adults and parents. Adults in a school can be the most challenging bunch of people but I do love them, even when they're challenging. (Especially when they're challenging).


Because it makes work exciting! It makes me think. Every person is a new opportunity to learn something, either about them or about myself. I keep one thing in mind when going to work every, single, day. My mother.

My mom has been a speech pathologist in a public school for nine hundred years. Okay more like 35+ years. Same school! And you know what?! She still loves her job. Her challenging job. And she's still incredible at doing her job. She is patient and a great listener. She is kind and tough at the same time. She takes on all of the work load and doesn't let it phase her.

The most important thing I have learned from my mother is to care. My mom is so involved and supportive of everyone on her team, in her school, and in her community. She listens when people talk. She offers advice when asked for it. She provides solutions to problems and never, ever judges. She keeps it professional but also personal. She has conviction and stands up for what she knows is right. The well-being of kids is her driving force - her compass. She is the example that I follow for how to be a part of  a community, especially a school community.

So I harnessed this mentality to get people involved! Our PTA membership was pretty, ahem, alarmingly, low. I'm the teacher liaison for PTA so I had to sit in our most recent meeting and answer the question: "Kelly, what's up with teachers not being in the PTA??" ummmmmm - I have no idea.

But I did have an idea - it slipped through the cracks. One more check, one more paper to fill out, it is hard to keep track of it all! It's not that people don't care it's that they didn't know why they should care. So I did something radical.

I was honest and open with the staff. Communication people, it's a magical thing.

I wrote a heartfelt letter filling people in on what the PTA is for. It was short, sweet, and sincere. I also included an incentive... of course! Give the people some excitement! I am raffling off a $25 gift card to Target... because, Target. You join PTA today, you get entered in the raffle. You're already in the PTA, you're automatically in the raffle! Simple. Effective. Like - doubled our membership numbers effective.

The best part of the entire learning experience - another teacher coming up to me and saying "You know what, I would have joined just because of your heartfelt letter. Thank you."

Open and honest communication makes for a happy group. Little treats don't hurt either :)

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